5 fun ways to use Venture Forth: The Game
Created by Roya Dedeaux, a licensed therapist and author of Connect with Courage.
Have you seen my card game, Venture Forth? It's a game for those in need of a mild adventure, and I've been having SO MUCH FUN hearing how different people are using them!
Today I heard from a customer that her and her husband have been using them for date nights! "Whenever we feel like we don't want to plan something for a date, we use them! We had so much fun figuring out what to do with the random ladle we had to bring with us!"
I can't tell you how much I love to hear that they are getting connection, fun, and play out of Venture Forth: The Game!
Here's how you play:
Each deck comes with 3 categories of cards: Destination Cards, Quest Cards, and Object Cards.
Each has 4 options on them.
You draw a decision card to find out if you'll be picking the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th item on the list.
Then draw a Destination Card. That tells you where you are headed!
Then, a Quest Card. That tells you what you're trying to accomplish while you're there!
Lastly, draw an Object Card.
The Object Card will tell you a specific item to bring with you -- but wait!
I've got 5 other ways you could use this card to add some extra whimsy and magic to your adventure!
Have you heard of the CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) term Pleasant Activity Scheduling? It's basically the idea that when you are experiencing anxiety or depression and struggle with finding enjoyment - you plan activities and outings you've enjoyed before and just *decide* to do them because they are on the calendar - whether or not you feel like it.
Venture Forth takes that idea and makes it a touch more palatable. Sometimes all we need is a gentle shove and a mild adventure!
Have fun!
Roya Dedeaux is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a focus on using creative tools like art, writing, and recreation as a way to help teens and their families who don't quite fit the mold.
Roya’s first book, Connect with Courage: practical ways to release fear and find joy in the places your kids take you is the result of her background in Recreation and Leisure Studies and Marriage and Family Therapy and is the base of her Connect with Courage Parenting Course.
She loves running her private practice, creating art prompts for her
two online art groups, and running games and challenges in the
free Recreate Parenting Facebook community! When she's not doing that, she loves to make messes with her three wild & wonderful kids where they live and play hard in Southern California.