"I find a lot of contrast between this type of work and talk therapy. Talk therapy can be useful and important, but the results have been different for me. I think what sets it apart is that the artistic expression we do in this group focuses on the meaning each individual makes with questions from Roya that encourage curiosity and further self examination. I get a lot less confused with trying to interpret what is good/bad, right/wrong, what the therapist is thinking of me, thinks I should do, etc. Basically, we make art and make our own stories about it. " A.R.
No start fees, no cancellation fees
No start fees, no cancellation fees
No start fees, no cancellation fees
"I have found the group to be very motivating and empowering and now consider it a huge part of my mental self care. It's nothing like I've ever experienced before, and I love it!" --Katheryn